Why Cindy Wouldn't Change A Thing

© Rex Features

CINDY CRAWFORD's tastes may have changed in the 18 years since her wedding to her husband Rande Gerber, but the supermodel has revealed that given the chance to do it again, she would choose exactly the same dress.


"My wedding with Rande was exactly what we wanted and I probably would do the same thing again," she told PeopleStyle, revealing what made her choose the "off-the-rack Galliano" slip.

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"It's funny, Rande is such a reason why I wore a short dress.I didn't actually walk down an aisle because we walked each other down to the beach, but for me I wanted my husband to see me and I wanted him to be excited about the bride he was seeing."


The couple, who have two children - Kaia Jordan Gerber and Presley Walker Gerber - together, married on a Bahamas beach in 1998 and, due to the secrecy surrounding the event, the sartorial options were somewhat sporadic.

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"I actually told a stylist friend of mine that I had to go to a black-and-white party, so to bring me some black dresses and some white dresses, because we didn't tell anyone we were getting married," she said."That was just one of the white dresses and it was perfect."

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